Turkey pics...

We spent the weekend in Houston. Well actually Spring, which I hear is much prettier than Houston. We were visiting friends who moved down there recently. We had a great time. It was very relaxing because they wouldn't let me do anything. We ate great food and spent lots of time in the pool. It was a very nice weekend.
We had our 3D sono today. The dr said it was going to be 4D but the button on the machine said 3D. I was actually diappointed in the pictures and the fact we had to pay full price. We got a couple good pictures. But most weren't great. For some reason there are lines on his face. And of course it doesn't compare at all to the picture haning on the wall in the drs office. I guess I should have said something while I was there, but I didn't so I'll just have to get over it.




I do have to say that my boy is so freaking adorable!!! He has cute little chubby cheeks. I can't wait to see him in purpose and see all his cute parts. I'm also excited to see if he has hair and if so what color it is. Oh and that stinky boy is breech. So we are praying he decided to turn.
Here is a belly pic for you all to enjoy. I didn't think I looked pregnant until a couple weeks ago. He just kinda popped out. So here is me at 28wks.

And yes that is a pink sink and pink tile. This is my authentic 1958 bathroom. The tub and toilet are also pink!!!

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