Life is hard

I think this is the first time have done two entries in one day.

I really feel i need to write this down. I know that in my life i have had many hardships and things haven't always been fun or gone as planned. But then i move into another season and those hardships are looked back upon as growing, maturing moments.

But for my friend Donna it seems her hardship will last a lifetime. There will be no different seasons. Donna prayed so hard for a child and God answered and blessed her with a beautiful boy. When he was a 1 1/2 he was diagnosed with a genetic disorder called FragileX. At this time she was already pg with her daughter who would also be diagnosed with FragileX. About 10 mos ago Donna became pg again, accidently. It was definately God ordained since they were taking measure to prevent. We all wanted to believe that this baby was an answer to pray for Donna and Jim to have a child without the disorder, especially a son. I believed with all my heart that this baby was a picture of God's mercy for Donna. That he would be ok and wouldn't be another hardship for Jim and Donna. Sadly the news just came back that Benjamin also has FragileX. My heart is broken, i am crying as I write this. I just don't understand why God does what he does. Why some peoples lives are so hard. And it seems the hard will never end. Donna will have her children until the day she dies. This season will last the rest of her life.

If you are the praying type will you please pray for Donna. She needs her father to comfort her right now. She needs him to tell her that he will help her through this. She needs the strength to get up everyday and face her world.

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