What has God shown you?

The women of my church have started a charm bracelet. It started at Diane's birthday party. They gave her a charm bracelet with a heart on it. They picked a heart because at her party we talked about what we knew was true about Diane's heart. And then Diane is suppossed to give it to a women in the church and she wears it for a month and then adds a charm that represents what God showed her. I instantly knew that she was going to give it to me first, and she did.

First off, do you know how hard it is to take what God has shown me and turn that into a charm? Not the easiest thing I've done. But I did pick a charm. It is similiar to this except that the one I picked is 3-D. I think it is very cute.

I got the flower to represent that God will turn my suffering into something beautiful. Out of all of this pain something wonderful and glorious will grow. Suffering is hard, but knowing that God will turn it into good makes it all worth it.

Oh and I know that there are no coincidences with God. So this must have some deep meaning. But today is the last day I am to wear the braclet and it just happens to have been on year ago today that the women of my church had a prayer meeting for me. This day is special.

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