Sleeping arrangements...

Before I had Kai I was pretty sure we would not have a baby in bed with us.  I didn't really see anything wrong with it.  I just knew I wanted to keep my space.  I also did want to get kicked, and punched and wake up with a kid on top of me!  But I think the biggest reason is I didn't want to deal with transitioning my child to his own bed after sleeping with me for however long.  I've watched super nanny, I know it's not easy.

But of course all that went out the window when Kai was born.  The main reason Kai slept with us is because I was so terribly nervous about him dying.  I wanted him next to me at all times.  It helped that he didn't like to sleep on his back, and I would not let him sleep on his own on his side, so he had to be with us.  There did come the time that he got bigger and Josh and I were annoyed by his constant moving and kicking.  So we took the front off of his crib and moved it right next to the bed.  This worked out great.  He was still close to me but he wasn't in our space.

When we moved in with Josh's parents, into a 10x10 bedroom, we put Kai in his crib, with the front on.  He was only about a foot from me.  This also worked well.  It seems Kai doesn't really need to be in bed with us, he just likes to be close to us.

When we moved into the apartment Josh and I were both excited that he would have his own room.  The plan was to slowly transition him to his room.  We put his crib in his room but put the mattress on the floor next to our bed.  Well it's been a little over a month and Kai is still in our room...and it's my fault.  I'm not sure I am ready to put him in his own room.  I like being able to look at him and make sure he is ok.  To put my hand on his back to make sure he is still breathing (yes I still do this even though he is almost 2, I'm crazy).  I don't know if I can live without the peace of mind I get from him being right next to me.

I do realize that he has to eventually go to his own room.  I know he can't sleep with us when he is 14!!  But he's only 2, I think it is ok for now.  Hopefully I can get my husband to accept it, he's pretty good about going along with all my craziness.

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