The Nestle Boycott

Did you realize that there have been people boycotting Nestle since the late '70's?  I sure didn't.  I had read something on FB a while back about boycotting Nestle because they were giving misleading information to women in third world countries about formula.  Apparently, many women decided to formula feed instead of breastfeed and thus used contaminated water to make the formula, causing many children to become sick and some to even die.  This is not really an issue of breastfeeding vs. formula is more about the ethical practices of a major, global company.

Another reason to boycott Nestle is because they buy their chocolate from suppliers that use child slaves.  This is clearly wrong and Nestle is apparently only concerened with their bottom line.

Their are many other sins that Nestle has committed.  You can go to PhD in Parenting to get all the info you need, including a full list of Nestle products.

This company needs to apparently be remind time after time that what they are doing is wrong.  Please join the cause.  If we all do something small then maybe we can send them a message.  Join the Nestle Boycott.  Or if for some reason you can't then you can join the Week Long Nestle Boycott 10/26-11/1, or the Nestle Halloween Candy Boycott.  Please help and do your part...

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