Be prepared for a super long post. I have lots to say, so here goes.
First off, we are moving. Josh has been unemployed since late January. He has not found another job, actually he hasn't even had a call back or an interview. It is just a really sucky time to be an architect/developer. So of course we are quickly running out of money. Seriously it is only by the grace of God that we have made it this long. So we put the house on the market last week and once it sells, or Josh gets a job we are moving home to Amarillo. It is an extremely bittersweet decision and one of the hardest we have ever had to make. We have been here for 10 years and there are so many people we love dearly and are gonna miss like crazy. But we feel this is the best option for our family. We really want Kai to know his grandparents, cousin, aunts and uncles. It is so hard to raise a baby without any family around. I have great respect for anyone who does it. He is growing up so fast and I am so sad that my mom is missing it. He is at such a cute age and they aren't getting to see it. They haven't seen him since late march.
I am ready for baby #2. I want to be pregnant again soooo badly. I really want the kids to be close in age and want to be finished having babies by the time I'm 35. But I can't really justify getting pregnant while Josh doesn't have a job(I do have insurance though and having a baby will only cost $250, so that's a plus!!). My fear is that I am going to wait until we are stable and then it will take me a long time to get pg again. But I really can't think about any of that right now I guess. I am not in control of any of it so it will happen when it happens. I am just ready now.
We are going to Amarillo on friday for a visit and to take some packed stuff to go ahead and store. Our garage is full of boxes and furniture we don't need. Friday is Josh and mine's 10th wedding anniversary. We are gonna have grandma babysit and go out for some dinner and a movie. I am sooo looking forward to it. Josh and I could really use some grown up time together.
Kai is doing great. Not really trying to crawl yet, but he has the rolling thing down. He can roll to get the toy, so who needs crawling?! Yesterday we took his 6 month pics at the park. He was a little fussy so there weren't as many cute smiles. I still can't wait to see them, they of course will be super cute. But for now enjoy these cute pics that I took of the sweetie pie!!
In March Dougie and his girlfriend Tracy came down for a visit and we all went to the zoo. It was lots of fun.