
I know I have mentioned in little snipets my views on vaccinations. But this is going to be a full blown post about it. I'm just warning you ahead of time. So for those of you that think I am crazy (you know who you are!) you can just move along. Or you can stick around and maybe learn something!!! :)

Disclaimer: I am in no way saying that if you vaccinate your child you are a bad parent. Please remember this is MY blog and these are MY views!

For those of you who do not know I work for a dr that treats Autism. I see it everyday. I hear the stories that the mothers tell. From all that I have seen, heard, read and study I have concluded that vaccines play a role in the rise of Autism. I am in no way saying they are the "cause" of Autism. The cause is multifaceted, but vaccines play a very large role.

The dr and the nurse just got back from an AutismOne conference in Chicago. It's amazing the stories they come back and tell. There were tons of speakers there. Some were doctors, some were Phd's and some were parents.

There was a dr named Mayer Eisenstein. He is a family practice dr. His philosophy is to deliver babies at home, do not use antibiotics unless extremely necessary and no vaccines. The group he is a part of has 35000 patients and not a single one has autism. How is that possible when the rate is 1 in 150??? You can't deny that what he is doing is working. He has a book called Don't Vaccinate Before You Educate. I am currently reading it and find it very interesting.

Did you know that the Rubella, Hep A and Chicken pox vaccines are grown on the tissue of an aborted fetus? I bet ya didn't and I also bet that has some religious complications for some of you. I know it does for me.

I find it very interesting that they want to give an infant Hep B right after it pops out. Why does an infant need Hep B if the mother is not a carrier? So I looked it up and this is what I found. Possible forms of transmission include (but are not limited to) unprotected sexual contact, blood transfusions, re-use of contaminated needles & syringes, and vertical transmission from mother to child during childbirth. The conclusion I draw from this is that the medical industry is trying to cover their butts in case there is an accident. If they give my child the Hep B vaccine and then they accidentally reuse a needle on him it should all be ok.

Another problem I have with vaccines is that they give so many at one time. Why does a 6 wk old baby need to have 5 different injections? Is their immune system really ready to process what is in the viruses, mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, antifreeze, phenol? It seems to me that might be a bit overloading. And if a child has to be fully vaccinated to start school why are so many given before the age of 2. They don't start school until 4 or 5 so why can't we spread them out a little?

If you asked my husband he would tell you that I am a conspiracy theorist. And it is true. I believe that the government, the pharmaceutical companies and the FDA are all in bed together. And the real issue here is the bottom line. If any of those three institutions came forward and said vaccines may play a role in Autism, billions and billions of dollars would be lost. The new issue of Time Magazine has an article about vaccines in it. Of course it is pro vaccinate and it actually uses some scare tactics. The one thing that stuck out to me was when they pointed out that parents choosing not to vaccinate are choosing the good of the child over the good of society. I say the government, the FDA and the pharmaceutical companies are choosing the good of their pocket books over the good of society.

Now go forth and comment. I'm interested to know what everyone else thinks. But lets keep it nice, remember we are all entitled to our OPINION!!

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