Ignorance is bliss...

Since I am not at the moment doing any kind of ART treatment, then I have absolutely no idea where I am in my cycle. I mean I know what cd it is (my homepage tells me this nifty info) but i don't know if I O'd and if I did then when. My assumption is that since I took progesterone at the end of the last cycle then I would have O'd on this cycle. If this assumption is true then I may be done with the 2ww.
Of course the only way to confirm any of this is to take the dreaded HPT. Which I just happen to have some of at home. Now what I find interesting is this the first month I can remember where I have not wanted to take a test. I think it is because I don't believe my body would do anything right on its own! So what to do, what to do???
After almost 3 years of doing this I am pretty good at not reading into symptoms. But you know how it is, with every twinge and pinch hope kinda creeps in. I have decided that if I do test it will be fmu. So it has been pretty easy to just jump out of bed and run to the bathroom before I even think about testing. I guess that is me trying to protect myself. Because you know I am going to be a mess either way. Cd 32 and counting...

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