Prayers and clicks...

I am sure most of you have heard about Steven Curtis Chapman's daughter that was killed earlier this week. It is so very tragic. If you are the praying type please pray for his family. I cannot even start to fathom the pain and heartache they are experiencing on so many levels. Pray for the brother, that this will not haunt him forever, that he can forgive himself and give it to God. As most of us have learned life is so fragile, at any age. We all need to remember to treasure every moment we have with our friends and family.


Allison at Our Own Creation needs our help. It seems that wordpress cateragorizes the day you get the most blog hits as "The Best Day Ever". Which normally would be ok. But for Allison the day she got the most hits is the day her daughter died. So we are all coming together to change the date of her best day ever. Join with me on Thursday May 29th in clicking on her blog from every computer you have access too. You can just click on the picture and it should take you stright to her blog.

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