Archive for May 2006


So we got a dog!!!! Yeah!!! He is soooooooooooooo cute and adorable and I just want to hug and love him all the time. His name is Chip. For those of you who do not know we have two cats named Fries and Tots, and yes I do like potatoes!!! So the cats are not particularly happy that this intruder is trying to take over their turf. He runs after them because he wants to play but they don't understand they the just growl and hiss at him. It is my hope and prayer that they will all eventually get along. I guess time will tell. Anywho, he is part blue heeler and australian shepherd. He is so cute. I had to give him a bath last night because he is a flea ridden little stinker. He hates the bath and of course when he got out he had to shake water all over the bathroom. It's a good thing he is so adorable!!

On a completely different note, I have an appt to see a reproductive endocrinologist next week. I am very excited. I am hoping she can give me some answers and fix whatever may be wrong. Keep me in your prayers!!! Hoping to have at least one baby before I'm 30!

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First a shout out to mister "TATE". Thanks so much for mowing the lawn. What a blessing that was.

So it's monday. Back to work and regular life. Me and Annie and Becki went San Antonio for the the weekend. We had a fabulous time and we talked about everything we could come up with. I was scared for a moment and thought we had run out of things to talk about but I guess we were just taking a moment to think about "ATLANTIS" and then we started talking again. It's always fun to see people's family, you know to kinda see where they "came from". Annie's aunt Susie and uncle Rudy let us stay with them and they cooked us breakfast both days. It was so yummy. I wish I had an aunt and uncle. My mom is an only child, so I guess i'll just have to keep wishing!!

Everybody needs to start studying because I'm gonna do one of those quizes like Becki did and I expect nothing less than 100's!!!

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